Real Estate Brokerage: Navigating the California Business and Professions Code

Real Estate Brokerage: Navigating the California Business and Professions Code somebody

Real estate brokerage is a "profession," so the laws that govern it are found in the "Business and Professions Code." Not all real estate offices are "corporations."

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. Where can the laws governing real estate brokerage be found?
2. What type of code governs the laws of real estate brokerage?
3. Are all real estate offices considered corporations?
4. What is the profession that real estate brokerage falls under?
5. What is the title of the document that provides information on California real estate fact sheets?
6. What is the role of a real estate broker?
7. What are the responsibilities of a real estate broker?
8. What is the name of the code that governs real estate brokerage in California?
9. Where can one find information on navigating the California Business and Professions Code?
10. Are all real estate professionals considered brokers?