The Differences Between Title Insurance Policies and Title Reports

The Differences Between Title Insurance Policies and Title Reports somebody

A "title insurance policy" is least likely to require the title insurance company to "inspect the property" in person. "Abstract of title" and "Preliminary title report" are not insurance policies. An "Extended coverage policy" suggests more protection than a standard policy, so it is more likely to include an inspection.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the purpose of a title insurance policy?
2. What is the difference between a title insurance policy and a title report?
3. Does a title insurance policy require the title insurance company to inspect the property in person?
4. What is an abstract of title?
5. What is a preliminary title report?
6. What does an extended coverage policy suggest?
7. Does an extended coverage policy provide more protection than a standard policy?
8. Is an extended coverage policy more likely to include an inspection?
9. What is the least likely requirement for a title insurance policy?