Bankruptcy and Property Exemptions

Bankruptcy and Property Exemptions somebody

Preventing Unlawful Gifts to Avoid Creditor Claims

Preventing Unlawful Gifts to Avoid Creditor Claims somebody

A person who has a debt ("creditor") may be able to prevent a gift of property ("transfer") from the person who owes the debt ("grantor") to another person. The grantor cannot give away the property ("gift") in order to avoid the debt.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the purpose of bankruptcy and property exemptions?
2. Who is considered a creditor in real estate law?
3. What is the definition of a transfer in real estate law?
4. Can a grantor give away property to avoid a debt?
5. What is the consequence of a grantor giving away property to avoid a debt?
6. What is the definition of a gift in real estate law?
7. What is the role of a creditor in preventing unlawful gifts?
8. What is the purpose of preventing unlawful gifts in real estate law?
9. What is the relationship between a grantor and a creditor in real estate law?
10. How can a creditor prevent a gift of property in real estate law?