Testate Death: What it Means and How It Affects Your Inheritance

Testate Death: What it Means and How It Affects Your Inheritance somebody

To die "testate" means to die with a "will". The "will" decides how the inheritance is split up.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What does it mean to die "testate"?
2. What is a will?
3. How does dying testate affect inheritance?
4. Who decides how the inheritance is split up when someone dies testate?
5. What is the purpose of a will in property ownership and transfer?
6. What happens if someone dies without a will?
7. How does dying intestate affect inheritance?
8. What is the difference between dying testate and dying intestate?
9. Can a person's inheritance be split up differently if they die intestate?
10. What are the implications of dying testate or intestate on property ownership and transfer?