Real Estate Privacy Policy and User Data Ownership

Real Estate Privacy Policy and User Data Ownership somebody

Understanding the Difference between Price Comparisons and Sharing Financial Information

Understanding the Difference between Price Comparisons and Sharing Financial Information somebody

Comparing prices of similar homes is an acceptable way to get information. However, it is not okay to share someone's "personal financial information" like their salary or savings.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is considered an acceptable way to gather information about real estate prices?
2. What type of information is it not acceptable to share when discussing real estate?
3. Can you compare prices of similar homes to gather information about real estate?
4. Is it permissible to share someone's personal financial information when discussing real estate?
5. What is the difference between price comparisons and sharing financial information?
6. What are some examples of personal financial information that should not be shared when discussing real estate?
7. What are some acceptable ways to gather information about real estate prices?
8. What should you avoid sharing when discussing real estate?