Understanding the 'Close of Escrow' for Submitting Offers

Understanding the 'Close of Escrow' for Submitting Offers somebody

Unless instructed otherwise, all offers must be submitted before the "close of escrow", which is when the sale is officially completed.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the "close of escrow" in real estate?
2. When must offers be submitted in relation to the "close of escrow"?
3. What happens when the "close of escrow" is reached?
4. Is it necessary to submit offers before the "close of escrow"?
5. What is the significance of the "close of escrow" in the sale process?
6. Can offers be submitted after the "close of escrow"?
7. How is the completion of a sale determined in real estate?
8. What is the purpose of the escrow closing process?
9. What is the consequence of not submitting offers before the "close of escrow"?
10. Is the "close of escrow" a legally binding deadline for submitting offers?