Verbal Commission Splitting Agreements: Legally Binding or Not?

Verbal Commission Splitting Agreements: Legally Binding or Not? somebody

Agreements between real estate brokers to "split commissions" that are made verbally, rather than in writing, are still legally binding.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. Are verbal commission splitting agreements between real estate brokers legally binding?
2. What is the topic of the "CA Real Estate Fact Sheets Set 01"?
3. Can real estate brokers make commission splitting agreements in writing?
4. Are there any specific requirements for commission splitting agreements in real estate?
5. What is the focus of the "Real Estate Commission Calculation Methods"?
6. Can real estate brokers legally split commissions without a written agreement?
7. Are there any limitations on commission splitting agreements in real estate?
8. What is the legal status of verbal commission splitting agreements in real estate?
9. Are there any consequences for brokers who violate commission splitting agreements in real estate?