Renewing Your License After the Two-Year Expiration Period

Renewing Your License After the Two-Year Expiration Period somebody

If your license has expired, you have two years to renew it without penalty. If you renew after the two-year period, you will have to pay a "late fee" that is higher than the regular fee. During the time your license is expired, you are not allowed to do anything that requires a license.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. How long do you have to renew your expired real estate license without penalty?
2. What happens if you renew your license after the two-year expiration period?
3. What is the consequence of renewing your license after the two-year period?
4. What is the penalty for renewing your license late?
5. What are you not allowed to do while your real estate license is expired?
6. Is there a difference in fees for renewing your license within the two-year period and after?
7. Can you still perform activities that require a license while your license is expired?
10. What is the regular fee for renewing a real estate license?