Understanding a Tenant's Obligations to Care for Rental Property

Understanding a Tenant's Obligations to Care for Rental Property somebody

A residential tenant has an obligation to "take care of" the property, making sure to "throw away" trash and waste, visitors don't cause any "damage" to the premises, and the tenant only uses the property as it was "intended".

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What are some of the obligations of a residential tenant towards the rental property?
2. How should a residential tenant handle trash and waste on the property?
3. What is the tenant's responsibility regarding visitors and potential damage to the premises?
4. In what way should a tenant use the rental property?
5. What actions can be considered as not taking care of the rental property?
6. What are the consequences if a tenant fails to fulfill their obligations towards the property?
7. Can a tenant be held responsible for damage caused by their visitors?
8. Are there any restrictions on how a tenant can use the rental property?