The Legalities of Leasing: Understanding the Fixed End Date

The Legalities of Leasing: Understanding the Fixed End Date somebody

A lease is a legal document that doesn't need the owner's signature, only the tenant's. It must have an "end date" and a description of the property. It must also be written down if it's for more than one year, so it can be enforced.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is required for a lease to be considered a legal document?
2. Whose signature is required on a lease?
3. What information must be included in a lease?
4. When is it necessary for a lease to be written down?
5. What is the purpose of including an "end date" in a lease?
6. Can a lease be enforced if it is not written down?
7. Is the owner's signature required on a lease?
9. What is the purpose of including a description of the property in a lease?
10. Can a lease be considered valid if it does not have an "end date"?