Storing Electronic Signatures in Real Estate Transactions

Storing Electronic Signatures in Real Estate Transactions somebody

Under the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act," a real estate broker must keep a copy of any documents signed with an "electronic signature" in three different forms: a paper copy, an electronic duplicate, and a copy stored somewhere other than the broker's office.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the requirement for a real estate broker regarding the storage of documents signed with an electronic signature?
2. According to the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act," what are the three forms in which a real estate broker must keep a copy of documents with an electronic signature?
3. What is the purpose of storing documents with an electronic signature in three different forms?
4. In addition to a paper copy, what are the other two forms in which a real estate broker must keep a copy of documents with an electronic signature?
5. According to the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act," where should a copy of documents with an electronic signature be stored other than the broker's office?
6. How many copies of documents with an electronic signature must a real estate broker keep according to the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"?
7. What is the significance of the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act" in relation to real estate transactions?
8. What are the storage requirements for electronic signatures in real estate transactions according to the law?