The District Attorney's Role in Prosecuting Unlicensed Practice of a Profession

The District Attorney's Role in Prosecuting Unlicensed Practice of a Profession somebody

When someone who is not licensed by the state performs services that require a license, the local district attorney is responsible for deciding what to do about it. The Department of Real Estate (DRE) "cannot prosecute" because the person is not licensed. Neither can a federal authority, and a county sheriff also doesn't have the power to act on this kind of crime.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. Who is responsible for deciding what to do when someone performs services that require a license without being licensed?
2. Can a federal authority prosecute someone who is not licensed?
3. Does a county sheriff have the power to act on crimes related to unlicensed practice of a profession?
4. What happens when someone performs services that require a license without being licensed?
5. What is the role of the local district attorney in cases of unlicensed practice of a profession?
6. Why is it important to have a license for certain professions?
7. What authority does the Department of Real Estate have in prosecuting unlicensed practice of a profession?
8. Are there any consequences for performing services that require a license without being licensed?
9. Who can take legal action against someone who is not licensed to practice a profession?