Loan Paid in Full: No Signing Required

Loan Paid in Full: No Signing Required somebody

When the loan is "paid in full," there is no need for the borrower (sometimes called the "trustor") to sign anything.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the term used to describe when a loan is completely paid off?
2. What is the alternative term for a borrower in real estate transactions?
3. Is it necessary for the borrower to sign anything when the loan is paid in full?
4. What is the significance of the borrower not needing to sign anything when the loan is paid in full?
5. Where can one find fact sheets about real estate in California?
6. What is the purpose of real estate fact sheets?
7. What is the content of the fact sheets mentioned in the text?
8. What is the website where the fact sheets can be accessed?