Understanding the Difference Between Gross Income, Gross Operating Income, and Net Spendable Income

Understanding the Difference Between Gross Income, Gross Operating Income, and Net Spendable Income somebody

Before taxes are taken out, your "gross income" will always be more than after taxes are taken out - just like with a paycheck. The amount that is charged to tenants is called the "scheduled gross income". The "gross operating income" is less than that because it is the scheduled gross income minus any unpaid rent or late payments. The "net spendable income" is what is left after the mortgage payment and taxes are subtracted from the net operating income.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the difference between gross income and net spendable income in real estate?
2. How is gross operating income calculated in real estate?
3. What is scheduled gross income in real estate?
4. What is deducted from the scheduled gross income to calculate gross operating income?
5. What is net spendable income in real estate?
6. What expenses are subtracted from the net operating income to calculate net spendable income?
7. How does gross income compare to net income in real estate?
8. What is the relationship between gross operating income and scheduled gross income?
9. What factors are considered when calculating net spendable income in real estate?
10. How are unpaid rent and late payments accounted for in the calculation of gross operating income?