Understanding Easements and Encroachments in Real Property

Understanding Easements and Encroachments in Real Property somebody

"Easements" are a type of right that "runs with the land," meaning it is attached to the property and stays with it even if it is sold. This type of right is considered "real property." The only exception is an "easement in gross," which is held by an individual, usually a public utility company. "Encroachment" is when someone intrudes on the property of another person without permission.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is an easement?
2. How are easements different from other types of rights?
3. What does it mean for an easement to "run with the land"?
4. Are easements considered real property?
5. What is an easement in gross?
6. Who typically holds an easement in gross?
7. What is an encroachment?
8. How does an encroachment occur?
9. What happens if someone intrudes on another person's property without permission?
10. Can an easement be transferred if the property is sold?