The Inescapable Burden of the Servient Tenement: Understanding the Limitations of Easements

The Inescapable Burden of the Servient Tenement: Understanding the Limitations of Easements somebody

The "servient tenement" is the party that is "burdened" by the easement and they cannot end the easement on their own.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. Who is considered the "servient tenement" in relation to an easement?
2. Can the party burdened by an easement terminate it on their own?
3. What is the role of the servient tenement in an easement?
4. What are the limitations faced by the servient tenement in relation to an easement?
5. What is the definition of a servient tenement?
6. What is the responsibility of the servient tenement in regards to an easement?