Understanding the Different Types of Easements

Understanding the Different Types of Easements somebody

"Appurtenant easements" are owned by the property next door and are usually for getting in and out of the property. "Easements in gross" are owned by a utility company and do not have a specific location; they are considered personal property. An "encroachment" is when something is on someone else's property without permission and it will not transfer to another property.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What are appurtenant easements typically used for?
2. Who owns appurtenant easements?
3. What is the difference between appurtenant easements and easements in gross?
4. Who owns easements in gross?
5. Do easements in gross have a specific location?
6. How are easements in gross classified?
7. What is an encroachment?
8. How is an encroachment defined?
9. Does an encroachment transfer to another property?
10. What happens when something is on someone else's property without permission?