Fixed End: Offers Cannot be Terminated after Acceptance

Fixed End: Offers Cannot be Terminated after Acceptance somebody

When the buyer tries to "cancel" their offer after the seller has already said "yes," the offer is still valid and cannot be terminated.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. Can a buyer cancel their offer after the seller has accepted it?
2. What happens to an offer when the seller accepts it?
3. Is an offer still valid if the buyer tries to cancel it after the seller has accepted it?
4. Can a seller terminate an offer after accepting it?
5. What are the requirements for a real estate contract?
6. What is the consequence of a buyer trying to cancel their offer after the seller has accepted it?
7. Is a buyer legally bound to their offer once the seller accepts it?
8. Can a seller refuse to honor an accepted offer?
9. What happens if a buyer tries to terminate their offer after the seller has accepted it?
10. Are there any circumstances in which an offer can be terminated after acceptance?