Accepted Offer Cannot be Revoked: A Seller's Promise

Accepted Offer Cannot be Revoked: A Seller's Promise somebody

Once the seller has told the buyer that their offer has been "accepted", it cannot be "revoked".

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the significance of a seller's promise in a real estate transaction?
2. Can a seller revoke an accepted offer in a real estate transaction?
3. What happens once a seller accepts a buyer's offer in real estate?
4. What is the effect of a seller's promise in a real estate contract?
5. Is a seller's promise binding in a real estate transaction?
6. Can a buyer withdraw their offer after it has been accepted by the seller?
7. What is the legal status of an accepted offer in real estate?
8. What are the requirements for a real estate contract to be valid?
9. What is the consequence of a seller revoking an accepted offer in real estate?
10. What rights does a buyer have once their offer has been accepted by the seller in a real estate transaction?