Retention of Records for Final Public Report and Real Estate Transactions

Retention of Records for Final Public Report and Real Estate Transactions somebody

The developer needs to keep the receipt for the "final public report" of a subdivider for three years. This is the same as the amount of time that a broker must keep all "contracts and documents" related to a real estate transaction.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. How long does a developer need to keep the receipt for the "final public report" of a subdivider?
2. What is the required retention period for "contracts and documents" related to a real estate transaction for brokers?
3. What is the similarity in the retention period for the receipt of a "final public report" and the retention period for "contracts and documents" related to a real estate transaction?
4. What is the required retention period for the receipt of a "final public report" for a subdivider?
5. How long must a broker keep all "contracts and documents" related to a real estate transaction?
6. What is the required retention period for records related to a real estate transaction for developers?
7. How long must a subdivider keep the receipt for the "final public report"?
8. What is the required retention period for "contracts and documents" related to a real estate transaction for subdivider developers?