General Non-Fiduciary Duty of Salespeople in Real Estate Transactions

General Non-Fiduciary Duty of Salespeople in Real Estate Transactions somebody

A salesperson has a "responsibility" to people who are not their clients, such as the buyer or seller in a real estate transaction. This responsibility is known as a "general non-fiduciary duty".

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the role of a salesperson in a real estate transaction?
2. Who does a salesperson have a responsibility to in a real estate transaction?
3. What is the term used to describe the responsibility of a salesperson to people who are not their clients?
4. What is a general non-fiduciary duty in the context of real estate transactions?
5. Does a salesperson have a fiduciary duty to their clients in a real estate transaction?
6. Who are considered clients in a real estate transaction?
7. What is the difference between a fiduciary duty and a general non-fiduciary duty in real estate transactions?
8. Can a salesperson have a responsibility to someone who is not their client in a real estate transaction?
9. What are the responsibilities of a salesperson towards people who are not their clients in a real estate transaction?