Record Keeping Requirements for Real Estate Agents

Record Keeping Requirements for Real Estate Agents somebody

Agents must keep records of their activity for at least three years, including "listing contracts," "disclosures," "employment contracts," "periodic reports of solicitation efforts," and evidence of any "properties sold."

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What types of records must real estate agents keep for at least three years?
2. How long are real estate agents required to keep their records?
4. What are some examples of records that real estate agents must keep?
5. What is the importance of record keeping for real estate agents?
6. What are the responsibilities of real estate agents?
8. What types of contracts are included in the record keeping requirements for real estate agents?
9. What information should be included in periodic reports of solicitation efforts for real estate agents?
10. Why is it important for real estate agents to keep evidence of properties sold?