Understanding Dual Agency in Real Estate Transactions

Understanding Dual Agency in Real Estate Transactions somebody

A real estate agent who is working with both the buyer and the seller in a transaction is known as a "dual agent". As a matter of trust and responsibility, this dual agent cannot reveal confidential pricing information to either party without the permission of the person they are representing.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is a dual agent in real estate?
2. What is the role of a real estate agent in a transaction?
3. Can a dual agent disclose confidential pricing information without permission?
4. Who does a dual agent represent in a transaction?
5. What is the responsibility of a dual agent in terms of confidential information?
6. What is the permission requirement for a dual agent to disclose confidential pricing information?
7. What is the consequence of a dual agent revealing confidential pricing information without permission?
9. How does a dual agent handle confidential information in a real estate transaction?
10. What are the limitations on a dual agent's ability to disclose pricing information?