Statutory Two-Year Period for Taking Legal Action Against Seller's Agent for Failure to Disclose Material Facts

Statutory Two-Year Period for Taking Legal Action Against Seller's Agent for Failure to Disclose Material Facts somebody

A buyer has a "statutory two-year period" to take legal action against a seller's agent if they did not "disclose material facts" and this resulted in the buyer incurring money losses.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the length of the statutory period for taking legal action against a seller's agent?
2. Who has the right to take legal action against a seller's agent for failure to disclose material facts?
3. What is the consequence of a seller's agent not disclosing material facts?
4. What is the buyer required to prove in order to take legal action against a seller's agent?
5. What is the basis for a buyer to take legal action against a seller's agent?
6. What is the role of a seller's agent in a real estate transaction?
7. What is the potential outcome for a buyer if a seller's agent fails to disclose material facts?
8. What is the buyer's responsibility in order to take legal action against a seller's agent?
9. What is the condition under which a buyer can incur money losses due to a seller's agent's failure to disclose material facts?