Understanding the Fiduciary Duty of a Real Estate Broker in a Purchase Agreement

Understanding the Fiduciary Duty of a Real Estate Broker in a Purchase Agreement somebody

The purchase agreement includes a "provision" that explains the "fiduciary duty" that each real estate broker owes to the people involved in the transaction. This is the third step in the process of revealing information about the broker's role: first, they must disclose it, then the parties must choose what they want, and finally they must confirm it.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the third step in revealing information about a real estate broker's role in a purchase agreement?
2. What does the purchase agreement include that explains the fiduciary duty of a real estate broker?
4. What is the first step in revealing information about a real estate broker's role in a purchase agreement?
5. What is the second step in revealing information about a real estate broker's role in a purchase agreement?
6. What must the parties do after the real estate broker's role is disclosed in a purchase agreement?
7. What is the purpose of the provision in the purchase agreement?
8. What is a fiduciary duty in the context of real estate law?
9. Who does a real estate broker owe a fiduciary duty to in a purchase agreement?
10. What is the role of a real estate broker in a purchase agreement?