The Listing Agreement Remains in Effect Despite the Passing of the Company's Officers

The Listing Agreement Remains in Effect Despite the Passing of the Company's Officers somebody

When a broker enters into a listing agreement for a property owned by a company, the listing contract "remains in effect" even if the company's officers pass away. In this situation, the broker is hired by the company, not by the individual officers.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. Who hires the broker in a listing agreement for a property owned by a company?
2. What happens to the listing agreement if the officers of the company pass away?
3. Does the passing of the company's officers affect the validity of the listing agreement?
4. What is the role of a real estate agent in a listing agreement?
5. What are the responsibilities of a real estate agent in a listing agreement?
6. Does the passing of the company's officers terminate the listing agreement?
7. Can a broker continue to represent a company in a listing agreement after the officers pass away?
8. Does the listing agreement remain in effect regardless of changes in the company's officers?
9. Is the listing agreement dependent on the status of the company's officers?