The Listing Agent's Responsibility in a Multiple Offer Situation

The Listing Agent's Responsibility in a Multiple Offer Situation somebody

When multiple "offers" are made on a "listed property" at the same time, the listing agent's responsibility is to show the seller both offers so they can make an informed decision. This ensures the seller knows about both offers.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the role of a listing agent in a multiple offer situation?
2. What is the responsibility of a listing agent when multiple offers are made on a listed property?
3. In a multiple offer situation, what does the listing agent do with the offers?
4. Why is it important for the listing agent to show both offers to the seller?
5. What is the purpose of the listing agent showing both offers to the seller in a multiple offer situation?
6. What does the listing agent ensure by showing both offers to the seller in a multiple offer situation?
7. How does the listing agent help the seller make an informed decision in a multiple offer situation?
8. What is the benefit of the listing agent informing the seller about both offers in a multiple offer situation?
9. What does the listing agent do to ensure the seller is aware of all the offers in a multiple offer situation?
10. What is the listing agent's responsibility in terms of presenting offers to the seller in a multiple offer situation?