The Limitations of an Unlicensed Real Estate Assistant's Work

The Limitations of an Unlicensed Real Estate Assistant's Work somebody

An unlicensed assistant can create a "Competitive Market Analysis" (CMA) for a prospective client, but they cannot do anything that requires a real estate license, such as "showing property" to potential buyers, entering into a "listing agreement" on behalf of their broker, or discussing the details of a possible sale. Their work is mainly "clerical" in nature.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What tasks can an unlicensed real estate assistant perform?
2. What is a "Competitive Market Analysis" (CMA) and who can create it?
3. What tasks require a real estate license?
4. What are some examples of tasks that an unlicensed assistant cannot perform?
5. What is the main nature of an unlicensed assistant's work?
6. Can an unlicensed assistant show property to potential buyers?
7. Can an unlicensed assistant enter into a listing agreement on behalf of their broker?
8. Can an unlicensed assistant discuss the details of a possible sale?
9. What is the role and responsibilities of a real estate agent?
10. What are the limitations of an unlicensed real estate assistant's work?