Understanding Agency Roles in Real Estate Transactions

Understanding Agency Roles in Real Estate Transactions somebody

An agent must represent someone other than themselves in order for an "agency role" to exist. This can be the "buyer", "seller", or both (known as a "dual agency"). When an agent is acting on their own behalf, they are known as a "principal" and not an agent of themselves.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What must an agent represent in order for an "agency role" to exist?
2. Who can an agent represent in a real estate transaction?
3. What is a dual agency?
4. What is an agent called when they are acting on their own behalf?
5. Can an agent be an agent of themselves?
6. What are the responsibilities of a real estate agent?
7. What is the role of an agent in a real estate transaction?
8. What is the difference between an agent and a principal in real estate?
9. Can an agent represent both the buyer and the seller in a transaction?
10. What are the different agency roles in real estate transactions?