The Role of the Salesperson in Respect to Their Employing Broker

The Role of the Salesperson in Respect to Their Employing Broker somebody

A salesperson is always "directly responsible" to their "employing broker".

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. Who is a salesperson directly responsible to in real estate?
2. What is the role of a salesperson in relation to their employing broker?
3. Is a salesperson accountable to anyone other than their employing broker?
4. What is the level of responsibility a salesperson has towards their employing broker?
5. In real estate, who holds direct responsibility over a salesperson?
6. Can a salesperson have multiple individuals they are directly responsible to?
7. What is the relationship between a salesperson and their employing broker?
8. Is a salesperson's responsibility limited to their employing broker?
9. Who has the ultimate authority over a salesperson in real estate?
10. Are there any exceptions to a salesperson being directly responsible to their employing broker?