False Promises and Broker Responsibilities: Protecting the Public

False Promises and Broker Responsibilities: Protecting the Public somebody

A broker can be held responsible for any "false promises" they make, whether they are written or spoken. The court will always prioritize the protection of the public over the protection of the agent.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What can a broker be held responsible for?
2. What is the court's priority when it comes to protecting the public and the agent?
3. Can a broker be held responsible for false promises made in writing?
4. Can a broker be held responsible for false promises made verbally?
5. What is the role of a real estate agent?
6. What are the responsibilities of a real estate agent?
7. What is the importance of protecting the public in real estate?
8. What is the importance of protecting the agent in real estate?
9. What is the potential consequence for a broker who makes false promises?
10. How does the court prioritize the protection of the public and the agent in real estate cases?