Understanding the Agency Law Disclosure: A Guide to Fair Real Estate Practices

Understanding the Agency Law Disclosure: A Guide to Fair Real Estate Practices somebody

The Agency Law Disclosure is an explanation of the "codes and cases" that dictate how real estate agents must behave. It is given to everyone involved in a sale or rental of a property. It is separate from the Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS) and the Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD), which provide information about the property and any potential hazards. Fair housing laws ensure that everyone is treated fairly when buying, renting or borrowing.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the purpose of the Agency Law Disclosure?
2. Who is required to receive the Agency Law Disclosure?
3. How is the Agency Law Disclosure different from the Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS) and the Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD)?
4. What does the Agency Law Disclosure explain?
5. What are the "codes and cases" mentioned in the Agency Law Disclosure?
6. What does the Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS) provide information about?
7. What does the Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) provide information about?
9. Who is responsible for ensuring fair treatment in real estate transactions?
10. What types of transactions does the Agency Law Disclosure apply to?