The Consequences of Not Following Instructions for Real Estate Brokers

The Consequences of Not Following Instructions for Real Estate Brokers somebody

If a real estate broker does not follow the "instructions" given to them by the person they are representing, they could be responsible for any money that is lost. Generally, this would not be a serious enough offense to warrant "criminal charges".

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What could happen if a real estate broker does not follow the instructions given to them by the person they are representing?
2. Who could be responsible for any lost money if a real estate broker does not follow instructions?
3. What are the consequences for real estate brokers who do not follow instructions?
4. Is not following instructions a serious offense for real estate brokers?
5. What is the role of a real estate broker?
6. What are the responsibilities of a real estate agent?
7. What could a real estate broker be held responsible for if they do not follow instructions?
8. Is a real estate broker legally obligated to follow instructions?
9. Are there any legal consequences for real estate brokers who fail to follow instructions?