The Distinction between 'Broker' Employees and 'Independent Contractors' in the Real Estate Industry

The Distinction between 'Broker' Employees and 'Independent Contractors' in the Real Estate Industry somebody

A salesperson may be considered an "independent contractor" for tax purposes, but they are an "employee" of the "broker" under labor and real estate law.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. How is a salesperson classified for tax purposes in the real estate industry?
2. According to labor and real estate law, what is the status of a salesperson in relation to the broker?
3. What is the distinction between an "independent contractor" and an "employee" in the real estate industry?
4. Is a salesperson considered an "independent contractor" or an "employee" under real estate law?
5. Can a salesperson be classified as an "independent contractor" for tax purposes?
6. Does real estate law consider a salesperson as an "employee" of the broker?
7. Are salespeople in the real estate industry considered "independent contractors" or "employees"?
8. How does tax law classify a salesperson in the real estate industry?