The Broker's Responsibility in a Discriminatory Offer Rejection

The Broker's Responsibility in a Discriminatory Offer Rejection somebody

If a buyer's offer is rejected because of their race, the broker has a responsibility to both the buyer and the seller. The broker must tell the seller of the potential legal risks of their decision, and must also inform the buyer of their rights. Additionally, the broker can take legal action against the seller to receive the commission they earned for bringing the offer. In such cases, it is important for the broker to make clear that they do not support the seller's "discriminatory actions".

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the broker's responsibility if a buyer's offer is rejected based on their race?
2. What must the broker inform the seller of in the case of a discriminatory offer rejection?
3. What must the broker inform the buyer of in the case of a discriminatory offer rejection?
4. Can the broker take legal action against the seller in a discriminatory offer rejection?
5. What can the broker seek from the seller in a discriminatory offer rejection?
6. What should the broker make clear in a discriminatory offer rejection case?
7. What potential legal risks should the broker inform the seller of?
8. What rights should the broker inform the buyer of in a discriminatory offer rejection?
9. What is the purpose of the Federal Fair Housing Act?
10. What is the topic of the CA Real Estate Fact Sheets Set 01?