1960 Earthquake Safety Disclosure Requirements for One-to-Four Unit Residential Properties

1960 Earthquake Safety Disclosure Requirements for One-to-Four Unit Residential Properties somebody

The disclosure date for earthquake safety for one-to-four unit residential properties was 1960. However, there are different dates for other "types of construction".

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the disclosure date for earthquake safety for one-to-four unit residential properties?
2. Are there different disclosure dates for other types of construction?
3. What are the disclosure requirements for property in California?
4. Where can I find the California Real Estate Fact Sheets Set 01?
5. What is the purpose of property disclosure requirements?
6. What is the significance of the 1960 earthquake safety disclosure requirements?
7. How many units are included in the earthquake safety disclosure requirements?
8. Are there any exemptions to the earthquake safety disclosure requirements?
9. What are the different types of construction mentioned in the text?
10. Are there any specific regulations for earthquake safety in California?