ARTICLE 8. Language Assistance

ARTICLE 8. Language Assistance somebody


11435.05. somebody

11435.05. As used in this article, “language assistance” means oral interpretation or written translation into English of a language other than English or of English into another language for a party or witness who cannot speak or understand English or who can do so only with difficulty.


11435.15. somebody

11435.15. (a) The following state agencies shall provide language assistance in adjudicative proceedings to the extent provided in this article:
(1) Agricultural Labor Relations Board.

(2) State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs.

(3) State Athletic Commission.

(4) California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.

(5) Board of Parole Hearings.

(6) State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology.

(7) State Department of Developmental Services.

(8) Public Employment Relations Board.

(9) Franchise Tax Board.

(10) State Department of Health Care Services.

(11) Department of Housing and Community Development.

(12) Department of Industrial Relations.

(13) State Department of State Hospitals.

(14) Department of Motor Vehicles.

(15) Notary Public Section, Office of the Secretary of State.

(16) Public Utilities Commission.

(17) Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development.

(18) State Department of Social Services.

(19) Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.

(20) Division of Juvenile Justice.

(21) Division of Juvenile Parole Operations.

(22) Department of Insurance.

(23) State Personnel Board.

(24) California Board of Podiatric Medicine.

(25) Board of Psychology.

(b) Nothing in this section prevents an agency other than an agency listed in subdivision (a) from electing to adopt any of the procedures in this article, provided that any selection of an interpreter is subject to Section 11435.30.

(c) Nothing in this section prohibits an agency from providing an interpreter during a proceeding to which this chapter does not apply, including an informal factfinding or informal investigatory hearing.

(d) This article applies to an agency listed in subdivision (a) notwithstanding a general provision that this chapter does not apply to some or all of an agency’s adjudicative proceedings.


11435.20. somebody

11435.20. (a) The hearing, or any medical examination conducted for the purpose of determining compensation or monetary award, shall be conducted in English.
(b) If a party or the party’s witness does not proficiently speak or understand English and before commencement of the hearing or medical examination requests language assistance, an agency subject to the language assistance requirement of this article shall provide the party or witness an interpreter.


11435.25. somebody

11435.25. (a) The cost of providing an interpreter under this article shall be paid by the agency having jurisdiction over the matter if the presiding officer so directs, otherwise by the party at whose request the interpreter is provided.
(b) The presiding officer’s decision to direct payment shall be based upon an equitable consideration of all the circumstances in each case, such as the ability of the party in need of the interpreter to pay.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, in a hearing before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board or the Division of Workers’ Compensation relating to workers’ compensation claims, the payment of the costs of providing an interpreter shall be governed by the rules and regulations promulgated by the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board or the Administrative Director of the Division of Workers’ Compensation, as appropriate.


11435.30. somebody

11435.30. (a) The State Personnel Board shall establish, maintain, administer, and publish annually an updated list of certified administrative hearing interpreters it has determined meet the minimum standards in interpreting skills and linguistic abilities in languages designated pursuant to Section 11435.40. Any interpreter so listed may be examined by each employing agency to determine the interpreter’s knowledge of the employing agency’s technical program terminology and procedures.
(b) Court interpreters certified pursuant to Section 68562, and interpreters listed on the State Personnel Board’s recommended lists of court and administrative hearing interpreters prior to July 1, 1993, shall be deemed certified for purposes of this section.

(c) (1) In addition to the certification procedure provided pursuant to subdivision (a), the Administrative Director of the Division of Workers’ Compensation may establish, maintain, administer, and publish annually an updated list of certified administrative hearing interpreters who, based on testing by an independent organization designated by the administrative director, have been determined to meet the minimum standards in interpreting skills and linguistic abilities in languages designated pursuant to Section 11435.40, for purposes of administrative hearings conducted pursuant to proceedings of the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board. The independent testing organization shall have no financial interest in the training of interpreters or in the employment of interpreters for administrative hearings.

(2) (A) A fee, as determined by the administrative director, shall be collected from each interpreter seeking certification. The fee shall not exceed the reasonable regulatory costs of administering the testing and certification program and of publishing the list of certified administrative hearing interpreters on the Division of Workers’ Compensation’ Internet Web site.

(B) The Legislature finds and declares that the services described in this section are of such a special and unique nature that they may be contracted out pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 19130. The Legislature further finds and declares that the services described in this section are a new state function pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 19130.


11435.35. somebody

11435.35. (a) The State Personnel Board shall establish, maintain, administer, and publish annually, an updated list of certified medical examination interpreters it has determined meet the minimum standards in interpreting skills and linguistic abilities in languages designated pursuant to Section 11435.40.
(b) Court interpreters certified pursuant to Section 68562 and administrative hearing interpreters certified pursuant to Section 11435.30 shall be deemed certified for purposes of this section.

(c) (1) In addition to the certification procedure provided pursuant to subdivision (a), the Administrative Director of the Division of Workers’ Compensation may establish, maintain, administer, and publish annually an updated list of certified medical examination interpreters who, based on testing by an independent organization designated by the administrative director, have been determined to meet the minimum standards in interpreting skills and linguistic abilities in languages designated pursuant to Section 11435.40, for purposes of medical examinations conducted pursuant to proceedings of the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board, and medical examinations conducted pursuant to Division 4 (commencing with Section 3200) of the Labor Code. The independent testing organization shall have no financial interest in the training of interpreters or in the employment of interpreters for medical examinations.

(2) (A) A fee, as determined by the administrative director, shall be collected from each interpreter seeking certification. The fee shall not exceed the reasonable regulatory costs of administering the testing and certification program and of publishing the list of certified medical examination interpreters on the Division of Workers’ Compensation’s Internet Web site.

(B) The Legislature finds and declares that the services described in this section are of such a special and unique nature that they may be contracted out pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 19130. The Legislature further finds and declares that the services described in this section are a new state function pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 19130.


11435.40. somebody

11435.40. (a) The Department of Human Resources shall designate the languages for which certification shall be established under Sections 11435.30 and 11435.35. The languages designated shall include, but not be limited to, Spanish, Tagalog, Arabic, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Vietnamese until the Department of Human Resources finds that there is an insufficient need for interpreting assistance in these languages.
(b) The language designations shall be based on the following:

(1) The language needs of non-English-speaking persons appearing before the administrative agencies, as determined by consultation with the agencies.

(2) The cost of developing a language examination.

(3) The availability of experts needed to develop a language examination.

(4) Other information the department deems relevant.


11435.45. somebody

11435.45. (a) The Department of Human Resources shall establish and charge fees for applications to take interpreter examinations and for renewal of certifications. The purpose of these fees is to cover the annual projected costs of carrying out this article. The fees may be adjusted each fiscal year by a percent that is equal to or less than the percent change in the California Necessities Index prepared by the Commission on State Finance.
(b) Each certified administrative hearing interpreter and each certified medical examination interpreter shall pay a fee, due on July 1 of each year, for the renewal of the certification. Court interpreters certified under Section 68562 shall not pay any fees required by this section.

(c) If the amount of money collected in fees is not sufficient to cover the costs of carrying out this article, the department shall charge and be reimbursed a pro rata share of the additional costs by the state agencies that conduct administrative hearings.


11435.50. somebody

11435.50. The Department of Human Resources may remove the name of a person from the list of certified interpreters if any of the following conditions occurs:
(a) The person is deceased.

(b) The person notifies the department that the person is unavailable for work.

(c) The person does not submit a renewal fee as required by Section 11435.45.


11435.55. somebody

11435.55. (a) An interpreter used in a hearing shall be certified pursuant to Section 11435.30. However, if an interpreter certified pursuant to Section 11435.30 cannot be present at the hearing, the hearing agency shall have discretionary authority to provisionally qualify and use another interpreter.
(b) An interpreter used in a medical examination shall be certified pursuant to Section 11435.35. However, if an interpreter certified pursuant to Section 11435.35 cannot be present at the medical examination, the physician provisionally may use another interpreter if that fact is noted in the record of the medical evaluation.


11435.60. somebody

11435.60. Every agency subject to the language assistance requirement of this article shall advise each party of the right to an interpreter at the same time that each party is advised of the hearing date or medical examination. Each party in need of an interpreter shall also be encouraged to give timely notice to the agency conducting the hearing or medical examination so that appropriate arrangements can be made.


11435.65. somebody

11435.65. (a) The rules of confidentiality of the agency, if any, that apply in an adjudicative proceeding shall apply to any interpreter in the hearing or medical examination, whether or not the rules so state.
(b) The interpreter shall not have had any involvement in the issues of the case prior to the hearing.