Understanding Exclusive Right to Sell Vs. Exclusive Agency Listings in California Real Estate Law

Understanding Exclusive Right to Sell Vs. Exclusive Agency Listings in California Real Estate Law somebody

A "exclusive right to sell listing" means that the seller has to pay a "broker fee" even if they themselves sell the property. If they want to have the guarantee of a commission, they must get an exclusive listing. An "exclusive agency listing" allows the seller to sell their property without having to pay the broker a fee.


1. What is the difference between an "exclusive right to sell listing" and an "exclusive agency listing" in California real estate law?
2. What kind of a listing agreement ensures a broker is paid irrespective of who sells the property?
3. In an "exclusive right to sell listing", is the seller obliged to pay a "broker fee" if they manage to find a buyer on their own?
4. If a property seller in California wants to ensure they do not have to pay a broker fee if they sell the property themselves, what kind of listing should they opt for?
5. What does it mean if the broker still gets a fee after the owner sells the property in an exclusive listing?
6. In California real estate law, under what listing agreement is a seller obligated to pay the broker irrespective of who sells the property?
7. What are the financial implications to a seller in an "exclusive right to sell listing" if they end up selling their property themselves?
8. Does an "exclusive right to sell listing" guarantee a commission for the broker even if the property seller sells the property themselves? 
9. What type of property listing agreement protects the broker's commission regardless of who sells the property in California?
10. What type of listing agreement allows the property seller to not pay a broker's fee if they sell their property by themselves in California?
