What is the difference between Gold, Silver and Bronze models?

What is the difference between Gold, Silver and Bronze models? somebody

The Difference Between Gold, Silver and Bronze Models

Gold (GPT-4) has advanced language and reasoning capabilities that enable it to develop a complex understanding of nuanced legal concepts from source documents. It can parse convoluted real estate regulations, make connections between related statutes, analyze implications and edge cases, and provide explanatory responses with appropriate citations. Gold would quickly comprehend key aspects like property disclosures, landlord-tenant regulations, title and escrow processes, licensing requirements, and fair housing rules. Its answers would reflect strong comprehension and clear application of the law to hypothetical scenarios. Gold can handle intensely specific follow-up questions and justify its responses like a legal expert.

Silver (Claude-2) can sufficiently answer straightforward factual queries based on the real estate documents but will struggle with more abstract implications or insightful explanations. While it can define basic terms and provide relevant passages that answer simple questions, Silver lacks the ability to synthesize concepts across different documents or delve beyond surface-level understanding. Its responses may cover the core ideas but miss nuances, exceptions, and meaningful detail. Silver performs adequately for direct information retrieval but cannot match Gold's ability to provide in-depth comprehension with adaptability.

Bronze (GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k) can sufficiently handle basic informational queries about real estate concepts that are clearly stated in the source documents. It will falter when questions require nuanced inference or a deeper understanding of regulatory implications, but Bronze can still add value by finding relevant passages and identifying key facts and definitions. While its capabilities are limited compared to Gold and Silver, Bronze would perform reasonably well for simple knowledge retrieval tasks that avoid complex reasoning requirements. With oversight to filter out any response errors, Bronze could manage straightforward real estate Q&A as long as the expectations align with its mainstream language model skills rather than expert-level comprehension. You make a fair point - I was too dismissive of Bronze's ability to contribute effectively within its limitations. Let me know if this balanced perspective makes sense or if you have any other feedback.

In summary, Gold stands apart in its ability to exhibit expert-level text comprehension, reasoning, and response quality when queried about niche regulatory topics like California real estate law. Bronze markedly lacks the sophisticated language abilities needed to move beyond superficial responses.

When you should use each:

Here are some guidelines on when to use Gold, Silver, or Bronze models in the California Real Estate AI library based on question complexity:

- Use Gold (GPT-4) for:

  • - Nuanced questions requiring inference or interpretation 
  • - Analysis of implications, edge cases, exceptions 
  • - Synthesizing concepts across multiple documents
  • - In-depth explanations with citations 
  • - Assessing hypothetical scenarios
  • - Following complex logic chains

- Use Silver (Claude-2) for:

  • - Simple factual queries 
  • - Definitions of key terms
  • - Finding relevant passages that answer straightforward questions
  • - Basic comprehension of core concepts
  • - Direct information retrieval

- Use Bronze (GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k) for: 

  • - Very simple definitions and facts
  • - Identifying documents where an answer may be found
  • - Basic regulatory lookups that avoid ambiguity
  • - Selected use where some response errors are acceptable
  • - Lower priority or cost-sensitive queries

The higher the question complexity, the more Gold is ideal to ensure full comprehension and accurate, insightful answers. Silver maintains usefulness for direct queries, while Bronze has a role where limited interpretation is needed on uncomplicated topics.


Examples of actual questions and responses from the different model levels.  The same question with the same (mostly) context documents are posed to each model.  You can judge the efficiency of their responses for yourself.  All the answers are correct, but what is most important is how each model arrives at it's answer. 

A buyer purchases a property funded with an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM). After one year, the interest on the mortgage increases to the fully-indexed rate. What was the interest rate during the first year of ownership? a. Par rate. c. Teaser rate. b. Floating rate. d. Margin rate. Select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

gold response

silver response

bronze response

Answer: c.


What is the best term to describe the interest rate for a mortgage in the secondary mortgage market without the addition of a yield spread premium or discount points? a. Annual percentage rate. c. Equity yield rate. b. Mortgage constant rate. d. Par interest rate. Select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

gold answer

silver answer

bronze answer

Answer: d.


What word best describes a conveyance of title to government land to a private person? a. Land patent. c. Dedication. b. Grant. d. License. Select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

gold response

silver response

bronze response

Answer: a.


Prior to purchasing an income-producing property, an investor calculates the time required to sell or lease a property within a designated area over a given a period of time. What is the investor most interested in? a. Price-to-income ratio. c. Absorption rate. b. Yield spread. d. Vacancy rate. Select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

gold response

silver response

bronze response

Answer: c.


What document does a landlord use to require a tenant to perform an action to remedy a curable nonmonetary breach of a rental or lease agreement? a. option to purchase or vacate. b. option to assign curable rights or perform. c. notice to perform or quit. d. notice to extend or quit.

gold response

silver response

bronze response

Answer: c.

