How to Ask Questions

How to Ask Questions somebody

How to Ask Questions

Welcome to the California Real Estate Books AI system! This revolutionary service allows you to search the full library of the California Department of Real Estate publications and laws using natural language. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of conversing with our intelligent assistant:

Do Not Rely on Keywords

While keywords are important, do not assume the AI will understand the broader context or intent behind a question by keywords alone. You need to fully explain the background and details of your query in simple language instead of only listing relevant keywords.

  • For example, simply asking:
    • "California real estate property disclosures required"
  • will not provide as useful a response as explaining:
    • "I am a real estate agent in California selling a rental property built in 2010. What are the specific property disclosures I am required to provide to potential buyers?"

The AI needs more context than keywords to craft a tailored and accurate response. Use natural language to clearly explain your full question.

Use Simple Language

Pretend you're talking to a young child and explain things clearly and simply. Use basic vocabulary and avoid complex sentences or industry jargon. The AI will not understand vague or implied meanings.  

Give Background Context 

Before asking very specific questions, provide some broader context to "warm up" the topic area. You can ask general questions first to establish the framework and give the AI some orientation.

  • For example:
    • If you want to ask about property disclosures, first ask about the overall disclosure process and purpose.
    • If you have a question about title insurance, start by asking what title insurance is for and who requires it. 
    • If you need details on land subdivisions, first outline the subdivision process and parties involved.

Fully Explain Your Query

Be as detailed as possible when framing your question. Include information about location, property type, parties involved, timeline, and the specific information you want to know. The more details you provide up front, the more accurate and useful the response will be.

Ask One Focused Question

Break down complicated issues into simple, direct questions. Only ask one question at a time. Do not bundle multiple questions together.

Use Plain Language

Explain topics conversationally, as you would to a friend. Avoid technical terminology, industry jargon or abbreviations. The AI will not understand specialized vocabulary.  

Confirm Understanding

Review the response to ensure it fully answers your question. If anything is unclear or missing, ask follow-up questions to clarify.

Provide Feedback 

Let us know if a response seems incomplete, inaccurate or confusing. Your input helps improve the AI's knowledge.

Here is a conclusion paragraph explaining prompt engineering:

By following these simple guidelines, you are taking your first steps into the area of "prompt engineering" - the art of crafting effective prompts to get the most useful results from an Artificial Intelligence system. Prompt engineering involves learning how to pose questions and structure requests in a way that allows the AI to provide high-quality responses. It requires understanding how the AI "thinks" and what information it needs to answer well. With practice, you will get better at framing queries and providing context to have more productive conversations with our intelligent assistant. Mastering prompt engineering will allow you to tap into the full potential of this powerful real estate knowledge resource.

We hope these tips help you get the most out of conversing with our AI assistant! Let us know if you have any other questions:

