Before You Begin

Before You Begin somebody

A few notes before you begin using Real Estate Books AI.



Title: Introduction to the California Real Estate Books AI Project Video

Video Length: 3:14

Video Purpose:
The video serves as an introductory guide to the California Real Estate Books AI Project, outlining its functions, features, and the benefits users can expect. It's designed to educate users about the system, differentiate between keyword search and AI-assisted conversational search, and set clear expectations about what the system can and cannot do.

Content Summary:

1. Introduction: The video starts with a warm welcome and a brief overview of the California Real Estate Books AI Project, explaining its role as a comprehensive knowledge base of California real estate documents.

2. What the System Is: The video then elaborates on the nature of the system, describing it as an interactive tool that allows users to navigate the complexities of real estate laws and regulations.

3. What the System Isn't: The video clarifies that while the system provides access to legal and regulatory documents, it doesn't offer legal or professional advice.

4. Browsing Documents: The video states that browsing through the documents on the platform is completely free, demonstrating the organization's commitment to open access to knowledge.

5. Unique Search Capabilities: The video showcases the system's two unique search capabilities: keyword search and AI-assisted conversational search, providing a brief demonstration of both.

6. Pricing: The video mentions that while browsing is free, the advanced search capabilities come with a reasonable fee.

7. Call to Action: The video concludes with a call to action, encouraging viewers to visit the website and explore its features.

8. Closing: A thank you message marks the end of the video, alongside the logo of the website and its URL.

The video uses visuals effectively to guide viewers through the system's interface, demonstrating how to navigate and use the features of the platform.
