What is a "Standalone" question?

What is a "Standalone" question? somebody

This system keeps track of your conversation history to provide better answers. When you ask a follow-up question, the system knows what you asked previously.

For example, if you first ask "What are the requirements to become a real estate agent?" and then ask "How long does it take?", the system understands the second question is related to the first. 

To maintain this conversation flow, each question you ask is treated as a 'standalone' question. This means when you ask a new question, the system refers back to the previous questions and answers to understand the full context.

Think of it like a friendly assistant focused just on your conversation. Every new question you ask is handled within the context of what you have already discussed. This way, you don't have to repeat yourself or re-explain concepts.

The system stores your chat history and connects each standalone question together behind the scenes. This allows it to keep track of the context and provide the most relevant answers tailored just for our conversation.


can a realtor take his clients when he leaves a firm (standalone)


what entity in california regulates appraiser licensing (standalone)


what is needed for resrictions in a grant deed to be valid (standalone)


when is a timeshare company not required to conduct a public offering (standalone)


Important Note

Whenever you want to change the conversational topic, please be sure to enter "new" or "exit".  Otherwise, the AI will assume each subsequent question is related to the current conversational history, and thus it's response will be skewed accordingly.  This will probably not be what you want.

