The California Association of REALTORS® provides many of the forms used and user guides associated with a
typical transaction. C.A.R. assists the user of these forms in the defense of any claim, on appeal, that any pre-
printed provision of the current version of a C.A.R. form is unlawful.

While the C.A.R. forms are used in typical real estate transactions, they may be written in a number of other
legal formats. Regardless of the written form, the licensee must be familiar with the form used or seek the
advice of another professional.

Typical C.A.R. Forms, Name and Number

• Transaction Cover Sheet – TCS

• Disclosure Regarding Real Estate Relationships – AD

• Disclosure and Consent, Representation Of More Than One Buyer Or Seller – DA

• Statewide Buyer and Seller Advisory – SBSA

• Contingency For The Sale Or Purchase of Other Property – COP

• Contingency Removal – CR

• Lead Based Paint Hazards - FLD

• Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement – TDS

• Water Heater and Smoke detector Compliance Statement – WHSD

• Extension of Time Addendum – ETA

• Purchase Agreement Addendum – PAA

• Receipt and Delivery of Notices To Perform - RDN

• Addendum – ADM

• Counter Offer – CO

• Cancellation of Contract, Release of Deposit and Joint Escrow Instructions - CC

Additional C.A.R. Listing Forms and Number

• Estimated Sellers Proceeds – ESP

• Residential Listing Agreement, Exclusive – RLA

• Seller's Advisory - SA

• Short Sale Addendum - SSA

• Modification of Terms Authorization - MT

• Notice To Buyer To Perform – NBP

Other Types of C.A.R. Listing Forms

• Seller Instruction to Exclude Listing From the Multiple Listing Service – SEL

• Seller Financing Addendum and Disclosure – SFA

• Seller’s Intent To Exchange – SES

• Business Listing Agreement – BLA

• Business Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions - BPA

• Lease Listing Agreement – LL

• Residential Lease or Month to Month Rental Agreement - LR

• Manufactured Home Listing Agreement – MHL

Additional C.A.R. Buyer Forms and Number

• Estimated Buyers Costs – EBC

• Residential Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions – RPA CA

• Notice of Default Purchase Agreement - NODPA Megan's Law Data Base Disclosure - DBD

• Wood Destroying Pest Inspections and Allocation of Cost Addendum - WPA

• Request for Repair – RR

• Notice To Seller To Perform – NSP Notice to Buyer to Perform - NBP

• Verification of Property Condition – VP

Other Types of C.A.R. Forms Used with Buyers

• Buyer Broker Representation Agreements – BRE, BRNE and BRNN

• Probate Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions – PPA

• Residential Income Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions – RIPA

• New Construction Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions – NCPA

• Vacant Land Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions – VLPA

• Business Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions – BPA

• Commercial Property Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions – CPA

• Buyers Intent To Exchange Supplement – BES

• Manufactured Home Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions – MHPA

The latest information on the most typical C.A.R. forms can be obtained at http://C.A.R..org and
