Every parcel of land sold, leased or mortgaged must be properly identified or described. These descriptions are
often referred to as legal descriptions. A good description is said to be one which describes no other piece of
property but the one involved in the transaction.

The three most common methods of describing property are: by recorded map; by U. S. Government section
and township; and by metes and bounds.

Recorded Map

In California, the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Sections 66410 et seq.) requires the mapping of all
new subdivisions. The map shows the relationship of the subdivision to other lands and each parcel in the
subdivision is delineated and identified. When accepted by county or city authority, the map is filed in the
county recorder’s office. Documentation can then describe any lot in the subdivision by indicating the lot
number, the block, and the map. The description also includes the name of the city, county and state. For

“Lot 14, Block B, Parkview Addition (as recorded July 17, 1956, Book 2, Page 49 of maps), City of
Sacramento, County of Sacramento, State of California.”

Description by Township and Section

In the township and section system, we begin with base lines, which are horizontal, and meridians, which are

This system establishes a grid of vertical lines (“ranges”) and horizontal lines (“township” lines). The lines are
six miles apart. A square created by intersections is therefore six miles on each side and contains 36 square
miles. Each of these squares is called a township. (In order to correct for the spherical shape of the Earth,
additional guide meridians are run every 24 miles east and west of the meridian and standard parallels are run
every 24 miles north and south of the base line. These are known as correction lines.)

In land descriptions, we move “townships” (north or south) from a principal base line and “ranges” (east or
west) from a principal meridian,

California has three sets of base lines and meridians: the Humboldt Base Line and Meridian in the northwestern
part of the State; the Mt. Diablo Base Line and Meridian in the central part of the State; and the San Bernardino
Base Line and Meridian in the southern part of the State.

The description “township 4 north, range 3 east, Humboldt Base Line and Meridian” directs us to the township
which is 4 townships to the north from the Humboldt Base Line and 3 townships to the east from the Humboldt

Here is a township, with its 36 (square mile) sections numbered and further divided so that the smallest squares
are quarters of quarter sections, each containing 40 acres.

The following mathematical observations may aid understanding of section/township descriptions:

• a township is a square, six miles on each side;

• a township contains 36 sections;

• each of the 36 sections in a township is a square, one mile on each side;

• a mile is 5,280 feet;

• a square mile is 27,878,400 square feet (5,280 x 5,280);

• an acre is 43,560 square feet;

• each section in a township is 640 acres (27,878,400 divided by 43,560);

• a half-section is 320 acres;

• a quarter-section is 160 acres; and

• a quarter of a quarter-section (the smallest squares in the township plat) is 40 acres.

The following is the description for the diamond-shaped figure on the township on the preceding page.

Beginning at the NE. corner of SW. 1/4 of Sec. 17, thence southeasterly to the NW. corner of the SE. 1/4 of
Section 21, thence southwesterly to the SE. corner of the NW.1/4 of Sec. 29, thence northwesterly to the SW.
corner of the NE. 1/4 of Sec. 19, thence northeasterly to the point of beginning.

The description is linear, delineating the boundaries of the figure by connecting four points.

For practice, the reader may want to write out the descriptions of the other two figures. The description of the
figure in the upper right can begin: “The SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, and the S 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of
Section 10;” If the reader can locate and shade that portion, the reader can write the rest of the description in
like fashion.

The description of the third figure can begin as follows: “Beginning at the NW corner of the SE 1/4 of the NE
1/4 of Section 27, thence due east 3,960 feet,”. [Each side of a quarter of a quarter section measures 1,320 feet
(5,280 ÷ 4). The line/side described therefore measures 1,320 feet x 3 = 3,960 feet.]

Metes and Bounds Description

A “metes and bounds” description may be necessary when the property referred to is not covered by a duly
recorded map and is shaped so as to make it impractical to describe by section and township. Some metes and
bounds descriptions are lengthy and difficult for anyone but a civil engineer or surveyor to understand. A
complex metes and bounds description is a burden to county recorders and assessors.

A metes and bounds description starts at a fixed point of beginning and follows, in detail, the boundaries of the
land described in courses and distances from one point to another until returning to the point of beginning. If a
mistake is made at the point of beginning, the description is worthless.

Metes are measures of length: feet, yards, etc.

Bounds are measures of boundaries, both natural and manmade: e.g., rivers and roads. Landmarks (trees,
boulders, creeks, fences, roads and iron pipes, etc.), referred to as monuments, are often used in such

Older descriptions of this type used markers that have disappeared, been moved or otherwise been altered,
making the descriptions indefinite. Thus, since markers are subject to destruction and disappearance they
should be used only where necessary and every identifying feature should be designated.

Here is a drawing and metes and bounds description of a regular parcel (front and rear dimensions and sides are
the same).

Plat Map

Lots 1 to 8, block 10, tract 1502

Beginning at a point on the southerly line of “0” Street, 150 feet westerly of the SW corner of the intersection
of “0” and 8th Streets; running thence due south 300 feet to the northerly line of “P” Street; thence westerly
along the northerly line of “P” Street, 100 feet; thence northerly and parallel to the first course, 300 feet, to the
southerly line of “0” Street; thence easterly along the southerly line of “0” Street, 100 feet, to the point or place
of beginning.
