ETHICS somebody


The word “ethics” has its origins in the Greek word ethos which means moral custom, use and character. Ethics
is usually expressed as a set of principles or values - a standard of conduct by which the individual guides his or
her own behavior and judges that of others. It refers then to our conduct, socially and in business, and in
attitudes toward others. Whenever one person who has the status of being an expert or knowing a great deal
more about a particular field than others assumes the duty of directing the business, health, investment, or
general well-being of another on a fee basis, there is vested in such person a high degree of confidence and
trust. When one takes advantage of this position of trust to the detriment of another party solely for the purpose
of one's own gain, we say that this person is unethical.

Professional courtesy and ethics should not stop at those things which have been sanctioned by law. The
individual who tries only to stay on the border of the law, inevitably, at some time, steps across. The course of
ethical conduct set forth in the Real Estate Law is that which a licensee must observe. We will now consider
what all licensees should observe and transcends the “law”. Both NAR and Realtists (NAREB) have codified
Code of Ethics, living documents which are constantly being amended and updated.
