487b. Unauthorized Conversion of Real Estate ($100 or more in value) Into Personal Property and Appropriation of Same Is a Felony

487b. Unauthorized Conversion of Real Estate ($100 or more in value) Into Personal Property and Appropriation of Same Is a Felony somebody

Unauthorized Conversion of Real Estate ($100 or more in value) Into Personal Property and Appropriation of Same Is a Felony
487b. Every person who converts real estate of the value of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more into personal property by severance from the realty of another, and with felonious intent to do so, steals, takes, and carries away that property is guilty of grand theft and is punishable by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170.
Unauthorized Conversion of Real Estate (less than $100 in value) Into Personal Property is Petty Theft 487c. Every person who converts real estate of the value of less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) into personal property by severance from the realty of another, and with felonious intent to do so steals, takes, and carries away that property is guilty of petty theft and is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.