4974. Liability for Violations of Covered Loans Provisions

4974. Liability for Violations of Covered Loans Provisions somebody

Liability for Violations of Covered Loans Provisions
4974. (a) Any compliance failure that was not willful or intentional and resulted from a bona fide error, that occurred notwithstanding the maintenance of procedures reasonably adopted to avoid those errors, including, but not limited to, those involving clerical, calculation, computer malfunction and programming, and printing errors shall be corrected no later than 45 days after receipt of the complaint or discovery of the error. A person who originates a covered loan shall not be administratively, civilly, or criminally liable for a bona fide error corrected pursuant to this section.
(b) If a person who originates covered loans makes a loan where the person knew of and showed reckless disregard for a violation of this division by a broker, the person and broker shall be jointly and severally liable for all damages awarded under this division with respect to the broker’s unlawful conduct.

This section does not impose or transfer liability for a breach of the broker’s fiduciary duty.


(a) (1) Any licensed person who violates any provision of Section 4973, 4979.6, or 4979.7 shall be deemed to have violated that person’s licensing law.

(2) After a knowing and willful violation, the licensing agency may bring a proceeding to suspend the license of the licensed person for not less than six months and not more than three years.

(b) After a knowing and willful violation resulting in a second or subsequent administrative or civil action, the licensing agency may bring a proceeding to permanently revoke the license of the licensed person or impose any lesser licensed sanction for at least three years.

(c) A licensing agency may exercise any and all authority and powers available to it under any other provisions of law, to administer and enforce this division including, but not limited to, investigating and examining the licensed person’s books and records, and charging and collecting the reasonable costs for these activities. The licensing agency shall not charge a licensed person twice for the same service. Any civil, criminal, and administrative authority and remedies available to the licensing agency pursuant to its licensing law may be sought and employed in any combination deemed advisable by the licensing agency to enforce the provisions of this division.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to impair or impede a licensing agency’s authority under any other provision of law.