
14300. somebody

14300. (a) Any corporation organized for or engaged in the business of selling, distributing, supplying, or delivering water for irrigation purposes may provide, and any corporation organized for or engaged in the business of selling, distributing, supplying, or delivering water for
domestic use shall provide, in its articles or bylaws that water shall be sold, distributed, supplied, or delivered only to owners of its shares and that the shares shall be appurtenant to certain lands when the same are described in the certificate issued therefor; and when the certificate is so issued and a certified copy of the articles or bylaws recorded in the office of the county recorder in the county where the lands are situated the shares of stock shall become appurtenant to the lands and shall only be transferred therewith, except after sale or forfeiture for delinquent assessments thereon as provided in Section 14303. Notwithstanding this provision in its articles or bylaws, any such corporation may sell water to the state, or any department or agency thereof, or to any school district, or to any public agency, or, to any other mutual water company or, during any emergency resulting from fire or other disaster involving danger to public health or safety, to any person at the same rates as to holders of shares of the corporations; and provided further, that any corporation may enter into a contract with a county fire protection district to furnish water to fire hydrants and for fire suppression or fire prevention purposes at a flat rate per hydrant or other connection. In the event lands to which any stock is appurtenant are owned or purchased by the state, or any department or agency thereof, or any school district, or public agency, the stock shall be canceled by the secretary, but shall be reissued to any person later acquiring title to the land from the state department, agency, or school district, or public agency.

(b) A corporation described in subdivision (a) shall be known as a mutual water company.


14301. somebody

14301. A corporation, including a nonprofit corporation organized for or engaged in the business of developing, distributing, supplying, or delivering water for irrigation or domestic use, or both, may provide in its articles, or may amend its articles to provide, that its only purpose shall be to develop, distribute, supply, or deliver water for irrigation or domestic use, or both, to its members or shareholders, at actual cost plus necessary expenses.
The amendment of the articles may be accomplished by:

(a) The passage by a three-fourths vote of the members of the board of directors of the corporation of a resolution adopting as the purpose of the corporation the purpose set forth in this section.

(b) The signing, verification, and filing of a certificate setting forth the resolution and the manner of its adoption.

The corporation shall not distribute any gains, profits, or dividends to its members or shareholders except upon the dissolution of the corporation.

14301.1. Mutual Water Company Operating Public Water System

14301.1. Mutual Water Company Operating Public Water System somebody

Mutual Water Company Operating Public Water System
14301.1. (a) No later than December 31, 2012, each mutual water company that operates a public water system shall submit to the local agency formation commission for its county a map depicting the approximate boundaries of the property that the mutual water company serves.
(b) A mutual water company that operates a public water system shall respond to a request from a local agency formation commission, located within a county that the mutual water company operates in, for information in connection with the preparation of municipal service reviews or spheres of influence pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 56425) of Part 2 of Division 3 of Title 5 of the Government Code within 45 days of the request. The mutual water company shall provide all reasonably available nonconfidential information relating to the operation of the public water system. The mutual water company shall explain, in writing, why any requested information is not reasonably available. The mutual water company shall not be required to disclose any information pertaining to the names, addresses, or water usage of any specific shareholder. This subdivision shall not be interpreted to require a mutual water company to undertake any study or investigation. A mutual water company may comply with this section by submitting to the local agency formation commission the same information that the mutual water company submitted to the State Department of Public Health.

(c) A mutual water company that operates a public water system shall be subject to the requirements of, and has the powers granted by, subdivision (b) of Section 116755 of the Health and Safety Code.

14301.2. Board Member - Training Requirements

14301.2. Board Member - Training Requirements somebody

Board Member - Training Requirements
14301.2. Each board member of a mutual water company that operates a public water system shall comply with the training requirements set out in subdivision (a) of Section 116755 of the Health and Safety Code.

14301.3. Public Water System - Design and Construction

14301.3. Public Water System - Design and Construction somebody

Public Water System - Design and Construction
14301.3. (a) All construction on public water systems operated by a mutual water company shall be designed and constructed to comply with the applicable California Waterworks standards, as provided in Chapter 16 (commencing with Section 64551) of Division 4 of Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations.
(b) A mutual water company that operates a public water system shall maintain a financial reserve fund for repairs and replacements to its water production, transmission, and distribution facilities at a level sufficient for continuous operation of facilities in compliance with the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 300f et seq.) and the California Safe Drinking Water Act (Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 116270) of Part 12 of Division 104 of the Health and Safety Code).


14302. somebody

14302. Whenever the owner of real property to which water stock by the terms of the certificate thereof is appurtenant at the time of conveyance, by properly executed conveyance, transfers to another the real property with the appurtenances belonging to the property, or whenever title to the property passes by execution sale, or by foreclosure or probate proceedings, the secretary of the water company that issued the stock shall, upon exhibition to him or her of a deed of the land duly recorded, or the necessary court order duly recorded, issue to the grantee named in the conveyance a new certificate of stock for the number of shares appurtenant to the land as shown by the books and records of the company. The secretary of the water company shall enter the name of the grantee upon the books of the company as the owner of the shares of stock and shall cancel on the books the number of former shares of stock so appurtenant to the land in the name of the grantor or of any previous owner of the land, or of any other person.


14303. somebody

14303. A corporation organized for or engaged in the business of selling, distributing, supplying, or delivering water for irrigation purposes or domestic use, and not as a public utility, may levy assessments upon its shares, whether or not fully paid, unless otherwise provided in its articles or bylaws. If any shares of the corporation that have been made appurtenant to any land as provided in this chapter, become delinquent in the payment of assessments, the right to receive water or dividends thereon may be denied, and they may be sold and transferred without those lands as if not appurtenant thereto, and the purchaser shall acquire the right to receive water as provided in the articles or bylaws of the corporation, or they may be forfeited to the corporation.