482. Rehabilitation Criteria

482. Rehabilitation Criteria somebody

Rehabilitation Criteria
482. (a) Each board under this code shall develop criteria to evaluate the rehabilitation of a person when doing either of the following:
(1) Considering the denial of a license by the board under Section 480.

(2) Considering suspension or revocation of a license under Section 490.

(b) Each board shall consider whether an applicant or licensee has made a showing of rehabilitation if either of the following are met:

(1) The applicant or licensee has completed the criminal sentence at issue without a violation of parole or probation.

(2) The board, applying its criteria for rehabilitation, finds that the applicant is rehabilitated.

(c) This section does not in any way modify or otherwise affect the existing authority of the following entities in regard to licensure:

(1) The State Athletic Commission.

(2) The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education.

(3) The California Horse Racing Board.

(d) This section shall become operative on July 1, 2020.