11360. Regulations Governing Renewal - Continuing Education Requirements

11360. Regulations Governing Renewal - Continuing Education Requirements somebody

Regulations Governing Renewal - Continuing Education Requirements
11360. (a) The director shall adopt regulations governing the process and procedures for renewal of a license or restoration of a license to active status that shall include, but not be limited to, continuing education requirements, which shall be reported on the basis of a four-year continuing education cycle, and, for each licensee renewing on or after January 1, 2023, include at least two hours of elimination of bias training, either individually or as part of a broader course.
(b) An applicant for renewal of a license shall be required to demonstrate the applicant’s continuing fitness to hold a license prior to its renewal. Applicants shall also fulfill continuing education requirements established pursuant to this section and shall be required to take a minimum of four hours of federal and California appraisal related statutory and regulatory law every four years.

(c) Beginning January 1, 2023, as part of the continuing education required by this section, a licensee shall complete at least one hour of instruction in cultural competency every four years.

(d) The cost of any educational course required by this section shall not be borne by any client served by a licensee.

(e) For purposes of this section, “cultural competency” means understanding and applying cultural and ethnic data to the process of providing services that includes, but is not limited to, information on the appropriate services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex communities, ethnic communities, and religious communities.

11361. Director to Adopt Continuing Education Regulations

11361. Director to Adopt Continuing Education Regulations somebody

Director to Adopt Continuing Education Regulations
11361. The director shall adopt regulations for implementation of this chapter to ensure that persons
engaged in appraisal activity have current knowledge of real estate appraisal theories, practices, and techniques which will provide a high degree of service and protection to the public.